
Nude Reclining on Blue Background

(Nu allongé sur fond bleu)


  • No. C-334
  • 1962
  • Dish
  • white grog, elements modeled and glued with barbotine, decorated with slips and oxides, engraved with a dry point needle
  • Signed MArc ChAgAll and dated 1962 on the back
  • Private collection



  • Nude Reclining on Blue Background, 1962, Ceramic by Marc Chagall

    Marc CHAGALL, Nude Reclining on Blue Background (Nu allongé sur fond bleu), 1962, white grog, elements modeled and glued with barbotine, decorated with slips and oxides, engraved with a dry point needle, Private collection © Fabrice GOUSSET/ADAGP, Paris, 2024