Documentary - 02/12/1952
Art archives of Nice in the 1950s: Chagall in the South of France
Marc Chagall explains how he came to ceramics. It is undoubtedly the result of his life in the south of France, where "the earth is so luminous". Interview with Émile Decoeur about Chagall's work, who understands the material, but does not always achieve his goals because of technical limitations, the collaboration forms a whole. Interview with Artigas, according to whom the painters bring a lot to the ceramics. End of the intervention of Chagall, who says that "the fire and the earth remind me that my means are modest", concluding: "everything turns around the matter".
RDF/RTF/Autres - 01/01/1951 © INA
Transcription - Artistic Archives of Nice - Chagall in the South of France

Documentary - 08/22/1953
Colors of our time: Marc Chagall and the psyche of his creation
Georges Charbonnier talks with Marc Chagall: his working method, the symbolic value of his representations, cubism, illustration, ceramics, his roots, the religious feeling, the psychic elements that he puts in his paintings.
Transciption - Colors of our time: Marc Chagall and the psyche of his creation.pdf

Exhibition - 06/11/1959
Exhibition of Marc Chagall in the Musée des Arts décoratif
Crossed interviews on the occasion of the exhibition of Marc Chagall at the Museum of Decorative Arts, with the participation of Marc Chagall, Michel Faré, André Salmon, Florent Fels and Jacques Lassaigne. The artist talks about his work Death, 1908-1909, the beginnings of his career, he said he hated realism, evokes his early years in Paris, the decisive orders from Vollard. Then the other guests talk about their friendship with the artist and his work.
L'art et la vie - France III Nationale / RDF / RTF - 11/06/1959 - Louis Cheronnet ; Georges Charensol ; Jean Dalevèze ; Henri Vermeil © INA
Transcription - Marc Chagall Exhibition at the Musée des Arts décoratifs

Interview - 01/18/1961
Exhibition « Chagall – stained-glass windows for Jerusalem” in the Musée des Arts décoratifs
Interview with Marc Chagall on the occasion of the exhibition of his stained glass windows for the synagogue of the Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem. The painter explains how he came to stained glass.
Avant premières - Chaîne parisienne / RDF / RTF - 18/06/1961 - Luc Bérimont ; Jean Grunebaum ; Pierre Grimblat © INA

Documentary - 07/07/1973
Inauguration of the Marc Chagall National Museum in Nice
Opening of a national museum dedicated to the work of Marc Chagall, which will house his series of paintings entitled "The Biblical Message," a donation by the artist to the French state. Chagall's wishes to make this place more than just a museum - a place of study and meditation. Maurice Druon, Minister of Cultural Affairs, Marc Chagall and André Malraux, are interviewed, they express their enthusiastic impressions of this new museum.
Inter actualités de 19H00 - France Inter / ORTF - 07/07/1973 - Bernard Regis © INA
Transcription - Inauguration of the Marc Chagall National Museum in Nice.pdf

Interview - 01/01/1968
Inauguration of the mosaic « The Message of Ulysses” by Marc Chagall
Interview with the painter about the mosaic he made for the Faculty of Law and Economics in Nice.
Nice Côte d'Azur / ORTFN - 01/01/1968 © INA
Transcription - Inauguration of the Message of Ulysses Mosaic by Marc Chagall

Documentary - 09/24/1964
Inauguration of the new ceiling of the Garnier Opera house painted by Marc Chagall
Description of the gala evening presided over by André Malraux, the day before, at the Opéra Garnier for the presentation to the public of the new ceiling painted by Marc Chagall, and impressions of this work. André Malraux, Minister of Cultural Affairs, pays tribute to Marc Chagall and his work, and speaks of the opposition to this project that he supported. Marc Chagall admits his concern. Various interviews and reactions from the public follow. Some guests find that Chagall's work does not fit in with the style of the Opéra Garnier. Others, including an Australian, were delighted.
Inter actualités de 08H00 - France Inter / ORTF - 24/09/1964 © INA

Documentary - 12/20/2022
Inauguration of the Paris Opera ceiling painted by Marc Chagall
Jean Albert Cartier tells the story of the inauguration this morning at the Paris Opera of the ceiling of the great hall, painted by Marc Chagall. He went there during the presentation to the press and was able to interview several personalities including Chagall himself. Marc Chagall recounts his astonishment when André Malraux offered to paint the ceiling of the Opéra Garnier, and the encouragement of his wife. He did not try to work from a theme. The importance of color and light. Georges Auric, director of the Opera, gives his personal opinion: "I think it is a magnificent gift that Marc Chagall has made to the theater of the Opera”. Émile Biasini, director of music and cultural action also gives his opinion: "The Opera was waiting for this ceiling, really"; his hope to see coming to the opera an even bigger public.
09/21/1964 - Jean-Albert Cartier - ORTF © INA
Transcription - Inauguration of the Ceiling at the Garnier Opera House Painted by Marc Chagall.pdf

Interview - 06/19/1964
Interview with Marc Chagall during an exhibition of his drawings at the Maeght gallery
Interview of the painter Marc Chagall by André Parinaud on the occasion of an exhibition of his drawings and ink wash paintings at the Maeght gallery. He talks about his drawings, the matter and the paper. The artist also talks about the stained glass windows he made for the cathedral of Metz and which are currently exhibited in Rouen. The Bible is one of his main sources of inspiration. He concludes by insisting on the importance of love.
L'art vivant - France Culture - 19/06/1964 - Georges Charensol ; André Parinaud © INA
Transcription - Interview of Marc Chagall at an Exhibition of his Drawings at the Maeght Gallery

Interview - 01/01/1952
Interview with Marc Chagall on Nicolas Gogol
Exposition de Marc Chagall à la galerie des Ponchettes, à Nice. Interview de Marc Chagall à propos des illustrations du grand roman "Les Ames mortes" de l'écrivain Nicolas Gogol. Il rappelle les conditions dans lesquelles il a réalisé cette série de gravures sur demande d'Ambroise Vollard, et son attachement particulier à ce grand écrivain russe.
RDF/RTF/Autres - 01/01/1952 - Robert Sadoul © INA
Transcription - Interview With Marc Chagall About Nicolas Gogol – 01/01/1952.pdf

Interview - 12/12/1969
Interviews during the retrospective exhibition of Marc Chagall in the Grand Palais
During the inauguration of a retrospective exhibition of Marc Chagall at the Grand Palais, statements by personalities. Interview with André Malraux, Jacques Chaban Delmas, Prime Minister and Edmond Michelet, Minister of State for Cultural Affairs, who express their admiration for the retrospective exhibition of Chagall. Interview with Charles Sorlier on his collaboration with Marc Chagall. Interview with Jean Chatelain, director of the Musées de France, on the tribute to Chagall. Interview with Isabelle Fontaine, assistant to the general curator of the exhibition, who gives technical details. Interview with Marc Chagall, who says he intends to continue working. Colors and light.
Inter actualités de 13H00 - France Inter / ORTF - 12/12/1969 - Dominique Bromberger © INA

Documentary - 07/25/1950
L’art et la vie: radio program of July 25th, 1950: Chagall and Ceramic
Marc Chagall explains how he came to ceramics. It is undoubtedly the result of his life in the south of France, where "the earth is so luminous". Interview with Émile Decoeur about Chagall's work, who understands the material, but does not always achieve his goals because of technical limitations, the collaboration forms a whole. Interview with Artigas, according to whom the painters bring a lot to the ceramics. End of the intervention of Chagall, who says that "the fire and the earth remind me that my means are modest", concluding: "everything turns around the matter".
L'art et la vie - Chaîne nationale / RDF / RTF - 25/07/1950 - Jean Dalevèze ; Georges Charensol © INA
Transcription - L’art et la vie: radio program of July 25th, 1950: Chagall and Ceramic.pdf