
Nude with Rooster

or Nude with Blue Hair

(Nu au coq ou Nu à la chevelure bleue)


  • No. C-204
  • 1952
  • Plate
  • decorated with oxides on white enamel, underglaze
  • Signed MArc ChAgAll dated 1952 on the back
  • Marc, LAROCK, Paris, France


Nude(s), Animals (rooster)

  • Nude with Rooster or Nude with Blue Hair, 1952, Ceramic by Marc Chagall

    Marc CHAGALL, Nude with Rooster or Nude with Blue Hair (Nu au coq ou Nu à la chevelure bleue), 1952, decorated with oxides on white enamel, underglaze, Marc LAROCK, Paris © Fabrice GOUSSET/ADAGP, Paris, 2024